Spanish Au Pair Agency in Ireland

Spanish Au Pair is the only agency in Ireland that specialises in placing Au Pairs who have worked with children in the past. Many of our Au Pairs are teachers or are studying a career in working with children. We can also source an Au Pair with a particular skill or interest that could help the placement.

Our story

The story of our agency began when we were having trouble finding a suitable Au Pair for our two children. There was plenty of choice, but few showed any interest in a career working with children – and I thought they would struggle as a result. I soon found that many other families had the same issue. I began contacting people in Spain, and soon started working with several agencies in Spain to bring the best Au Pairs over to Ireland to work with Irish families.

Many of our candidates are teachers, summer camp workers or people with a genuine interest with children. They come to Ireland to learn English and experience Irish culture. Our families are carefully chosen and checked to ensure comfortable living conditions are available for our Au Pairs. The Au Pair and family pick each other through a series of Skype interviews (we advise them to have three). It is very important to also involve the children in the Skype interviews.

We emphasise that Au Pairs are treated as family members and involved in family meals, special occasions and other aspects of family life. Families must ensure that their Au Pair gains a valuable experience in this exchange program. Our Au Pairs can avail of discounts with many companies for first aid courses, travel, English classes and accommodation all over Ireland, especially in Dublin, Cork & Galway.

Our strategy has proved to be a massive success, and many of our families stay in touch with their past Au Pairs. We have lots of families and Au Pairs willing to share their experiences, so please give us a call today.

View Our Testimonials
Au Pair in Ireland

Become a Host Family

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Become an aupair

Become an Au Pair

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We have tried to include as much information as possible on our website.
However, should you have any further questions or queries, please to not hesitate to email us at

Cultural Exchange Programs

Our emphasis is on cultural exhange, and our aim is to ensure that both our Au Pairs and our placement families are extremely happy with the match. We were the first agency to introduce higher pocket money and we were also the first to introduce our payment packages that protect both families and Au Pairs. We work with our families and Au Pairs to ensure that the best Au Pair is placed with the right family, and that both parties are happy and protected. We are proud to say that our placement success rate is the highest in Europe.

Becoming A Host Family – Fees

Gold Membership

Unlimited Placements for 9 months plus
Candidate over 21 and experience with children
Registration Fee €50
Balance of fee due on acceptance of position

Sign up!

Au Pair Plus

Unlimited Placements for 6 months
Candidate over 21 and experience with children
Registration Fee €50
Balance of fee due on acceptance of position

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Au Pair

4-5 Months Placements
Candidate over 21 and experience with children
Registration Fee €50
Balance of fee due on acceptance of position

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Summer Au Pair

Summer Placements
Registration Fee €50
Balance of fee due on acceptance of position

Sign up!

Do you have any questions?

Contact our SpanishAuPair team by phone or email. We will be more than happy to help you.

We are open seven days a week on 087 716 9155 or 01 281 0954.

All Au Pairs are screened, interviewed and registered with partner agencies in Spain.

Contact Us

Spanish Au Pair advise families to follow HSE guidelines in relaiton to COVID 19