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Become a Host Family Questionnaire
" indicates required fields
Gold Membership
Au Pair Plus
Au Pair
Summer Au Pair
First & Last Name
Email Address
Phone Number
Postal Address
Skype ID
Which Au Pair Service Do You Require?
Demi Au Pair - Up to 20 Hours Per Week
Au Pair - Up to 30 Hours Per Week
Summer Au Pair
Children's Details
Any special requirements for children
Children’s Favourite hobbies (Crafts, Painting etc.)
Professions of Parents
Is there public transportation from your House into the town / city centre
Is there public transportation from your House into the town / city centre
Name the city/town nearest to your house
How far is the bus stop?
How frequent are buses to town/city
Closest town/village with English classes?
Are there other known Au Pairs in the area?
How much pocket money will you offer weekly?
Will there be additional hours?
Have you had an Au Pair before?
Requested start date
Length of placement
Do you smoke?
Would you accept an Au Pair that smokes?
Should your Au Pair hold a driving licence?
Will you provide a car?
If yes can the Au Pair use it on her free days?
Typical daily schedule for your Au Pair
Total weekly hours
Do you have any pets? If so, which pets you have
Do you want the Au Pair to care for them?
Should your Au Pair have any special skills (e.g. swimming or horse-riding)?
If so, which ones
Which language is mainly spoken in your family?
Distance from your home to the centre of the city
What expectations do you have of the Au Pair placement?
Have you been in contact or had COVID19 in the past?
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